Ella’s Story

Another GLAPD Success Story

Ella came to Australia as a refugee and had never had a chance to go to school.

Ella (not her real name) is a single, stay-at-home mum from South Sudan with 5 children aged between 2 and 16. Her 5-year-old child is autistic.

After 10 years in Australia and studying at TAFE, Ella has learned to speak English as well as how to read and write. However, she never had the chance to learn how to use a computer.

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Ella participated in computer training at GLAPD.

Ella was part of GLAPD’s second Computer Training group which was mainly for stay-at-home mums.

The objective was to ensure these stay-at-home Mums had the skills to:

  • use computers and other devices needed to navigate the online world – a must in today’s society

  • help their children with their homework and how to use online platforms for their studies - more important than ever during COVID lockdowns when mothers are homeschooling.

After 4 months of computer training …

Ella had learned all the course content and was much more confident using a computer. To help her continue practising, GLAPD has given her a desktop computer.


Ella is now enrolled in an Assistant in Nursing course at TAFE.  She is planning to pursue a career in Health.

She is also more positive, confident and independent

Ella has struggled a lot in her life, so it makes us particularly happy to see her ready to take charge of her life, her family, her career - and strive for a better future for herself and her children.

Interested in our computer training?