Migrants and refugees use our services for everything from the complexities of the legal system all the way to understanding the basics of day-to-day life in Australia.


For many, it is easy to use a gas cooker. However, some of the new settlers in Australia lack this knowledge and can go hungry for days as a result. GLAPD understands.


We are experienced in providing migrant support services

You’ll find we understand the challenges of settling in a new country and are here to help:

  • Casework services and referrals to newly arrived refugees

  • Social integration support to migrants

  • Employment support

  • Computer literacy classes and career guidance workshops

  • Cultural transition programs

  • Information sessions on different aspects of life in Australia, including health, housing, financial management, legal affairs, cultural sensitivities, etc.

  • Home visits to support families with their basic needs such as operating a gas cooker, shopping, mental health etc.


Migrant and refugee support services help you

  1. Find employment

  2. Find housing

  3. Improve your English

  4. Become an independent business owners

  5. Get settled and become part of the community


Learn more about our
Migrant Services

Watch the video below.


Apply for migrant services

If you are interested in any of these activities and services, you are invited to complete the online form and then submit it. We will get back to you in the next 5 working days.